How do I pay for a fine?


If you have incurred an overdue fee or ordered a 3D or large format print from Area 49, you will have a fine in your library account. Fines over $10 will prevent you from checking out materials from the library.

You can pay for library fines either online or at the Information and Research desk on the first floor.

To pay at the Information and Research desk, you will only need to bring your student ID and your method of payment. We are able to accept cash, card, and Apple Pay.

To pay online, navigate to the library's homepage at Select the "My Account" button below the search bar and log in with your NinerNet credentials.

In your library account, select the "Fines + Fees" tab. If you have incurred a fine, this is where it will be shown. Select the "Pay Fine" link to take you to a portal to enter in your payment information.

When the payment has been successfully processed, you will receive a confirmation message and email.

  • Last Updated Aug 07, 2024
  • Views 27
  • Answered By Brent Fortner

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