Can I edit or cancel my study room reservation?


Yes, you can very easily edit or delete your study room reservation. Here's how to do that:

1. Go to and login with your UNCC username and password.

2. Once logged in, select "My Reservations" on the top menu bar. 


Screenshot of the group study room reservation system homepage and an arrow pointing to the My Reservations tab.


3. On the next screen, you'll see a box in the middle of page labeled My Reservations. In the list, select "Upcoming Reservations" if it doesn't automatically open for you.


Group study room reservation select upcoming reservations


Upcoming reservations

4. If you want to edit your reservation, select the edit icon underneath the room reservation information. When you hover over it, it will say "edit reservation".


Group study room reservation "edit reservation" icon


Screenshot of the upcoming reservations page where you can edit your reservation

5. On the next page, you can update your reservation, including making it a StudyConnect room; changing the date, time or room number; and deleting it. Always check to see if the new date, time, or room that you want is available. Study rooms get filled up quickly within the first weeks of the semester and it may be hard to find another room or make changes.

Group study edit room reservation page

6. You can also delete your reservation from the original "Upcoming Reservations" page by selecting the red trash can icon underneath the room reservation information. When you hover over it, it will say "delete reservation". Once you select the icon, you can follow the on-screen prompts to delete the reservation. 


Screenshot showing the red trash can that allows you to delete your study room reservation.



  • Last Updated Feb 05, 2024
  • Views 382
  • Answered By Erika Boardman

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