Is there a way to limit a music search to physical CDs instead of online resources?

Is there a way to limit a music search to physical CDs instead of online resources?
I am wondering if Atkins has a CD that contains the musical piece "Miserere Mei" by Deus Allegri. Thanks!


Yes, there is a way to limit your search for physical music materials. You can either use the basic search box on the library's homepage, or you can select Advanced Search underneath the search box. 

When you click on Advanced Search on the library homepage, you can type in the subject for the music you are looking for such as Mozart.
Then, on the right-hand side, you can filter the Material Type to sound recordings.

Screenshot of the library's advanced search bar to find Mozart and filter by material type


Once your results load, you will still see online resources. You'll have to add another filter to the search using the filters on the left-hand side of the page.

Physical copies of music (such as CDs or Phonodiscs) are held on the 8th floor of the library. If you scroll to the bottom of the filters on the left, there will be a filter called Location. If you click on the drop-down, you will be able to select Compact Discs--Audiovisual Collections and Phonodiscs--Audiovisual Collections.
Click the checkboxes next to those two locations and then select Apply Filters

A screenshot showing the location drop down menu on the left hand side of the library catalog search results page. It is filtered to the library locations Compact Discs and Phonodiscs.


By selecting those two filters, you will be able to view the CDs and music records we have physically available.
If you use the basic search box on the main page, you can simply type in the subject of the music you are looking for and then use the filters on the left-hand side to filter your search to only include the two locations listed above. 


  • Last Updated Feb 13, 2024
  • Views 30
  • Answered By Erika Boardman

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