How do I find an article in a nursing journal?


Start by searching in the CINAHL database--CINAHL is often the best place to find nursing and allied health articles. You can access CINAHL from the Databases link on the library homepage--it is in Top 10 Databases, and listed under Nursing in Databases by Subject--and often in nursing courses in Canvas under Library Resources.

Once you have done a search using the important concepts of your research question as search terms, you can limit to articles in nursing journals by:

1) Going to the link to Show More limit options on the left side of the search results page:

2) Scroll down to the Journal Subset menu. In the Journal Subset menu, choose Nursing:

3) Click the Search button at the bottom of the page to apply the limit:

Another way to check to see if an article is published in a nursing journal--especially if you are searching in a database other than CINAHL--is to check and see if the journal the article is published in is on this list of nursing journals:

Nursing Journals Directory - International Academy of Nursing Editors


  • Last Updated Aug 25, 2020
  • Views 36
  • Answered By Beth Auten

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