How can I renew an Interlibrary Loan item?


If the paper attached to your item does not have "No Renewals" on it, you may request a renewal.

Log in to your Interlibrary Loan AccountUnder "Checked Out Items" you'll see a list of every title you currently have on loan. Click on the gray "Actions" button next to the title you want to renew, then in the dropdown, click "Renew." If the renew option is grayed out, that means you can't request a renewal for that item. This may be because it's too soon to make the request, or the due date of the item has already passed. Contact the Interlibrary Loan department at for help and more information.

Once you successfully click "Renew," a new due date will display and a message will be sent to the library that lent the item. Once the lending library approves the renewal request, another due date will be provided to you. In the meantime, we will not charge you overdue fines while waiting for the lending library's response.

If you have any questions about the renewal process, please contact the Interlibrary Loan department at

  • Last Updated Oct 12, 2023
  • Views 20
  • Answered By Crystal Perry

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